ESMA – once a soldier is always a soldier
NAME- The name of the association shall be” EXSERVICEMEN ASSOCIATION (AIR WARRIORS) MS PALYA (ESMA)”, hereafter called “association” for the purpose of these rules and regulations.
1) To foster friendship, unity and develop a strong bond amongst the members and render necessary help as and when required.
2) To inculcate patriotism and national integrity among the youngsters through seminars/workshops and Lectures.
3) To represent the issues pertaining to ex service men to various forums like AFA/ Sainik board, Ex-servicemen tribunal and government organization.
4) To promote Kannada Language and culture among the members of the associations.
5) To disseminate the information on matters relating to policies, post retirement benefits, scholarship etc among the members.
6) To create database of the members and dependents to extend a helping hand to its members.
7) To extend assistance to the ex-servicemen for placements/jobs opportunities whenever required.
The association shall not directly or indirectly engage in political, religious/ethnic activities nor shall associate with any political or communal group, association or party.
The income of the association shall be used solely towards the accomplishments of the objectives of the association set in this memorandum of association.
The association shall not directly or indirectly involve in personal disputes among the members.
LOCATION: The office of the association shall be temporarily located at 213/f3, Nesara apartments, Ganesha layout, MS Palaya, Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore-560097
JURISDICTION: MS Palaya and the surrounding areas.
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:-
2) Managing committee means a committee constituted under these rules for efficient administration of the association.
3) A member means a person who subscribes to the membership of the association.
4) Nominee member: - Those members who are out of station or cannot be present for the activities of the association due to any reasons whatsoever, such members shall nominate his spouse as nominee member who shall have all the rights and powers of the member of the association.
Ex-servicemen residing in and around MS Palaya area who have paid the membership fee shall be the member of the association.
Fee: A lifetime membership fee of Rs.500/-(non-refundable). To be paid at the time of joining.
Monthly subscription: Each member shall pay a fee of Rs.100/- or fixed by the general body from time to time as monthly subscription.
I. Monthly subscription for 1 year can be paid in advance .In such case members have to pay Rs.1000/- only
II. Two installments of Rs 500 each.. In both cases members have to pay Rs.1000/- only
Funds: The funds of the association shall consist of membership fee and monthly subscription from members and donations.
Membership shall automatically be transferred to spouse / next of kin in case of sad demise of the member. In such case the spouse / next of kin can continue as honorary member of the association (if willing) and shall abide by the rules and regularity of the association (without paying the monthly subscription of the association). However the member is required to pay for any special gathering/events organized by the association at par as charged from other members as contribution.
1) Any members who is not paying monthly subscription and not attending the monthly meetings for six months without prior information shall ceased to be the member of the association
2) Any member voluntarily resigning from the association at his will shall cease to remain as a member of the association.
In both case the membership fee and monthly subscription paid till date will not be refunded.
Any member who is found involved in any activity which lowers/tarnish the image of the association in the public eye or work against the rules and regulations of the association shall be disqualified from the association.
On disqualification of the membership the member will not be eligible for refund of his life membership fee/ monthly subscription paid by him till date.
If any member is adversely reported for his unbecoming conduct, President shall issue a memo and ask for explanation, if the explanation is not convincing the same shall be placed before the general body .If the two- third members present approve the disqualification then the membership will be terminated.
All the transactions over and above Rs.500/- shall be only through cheque only.
Operations of funds
The fund shall be deposited in an S/B account in any nationalized bank, and shall be jointly operated by:-
1) Treasurer & Secretary
2) Treasurer & President (in the absence of Secretary)
The association will be managed by a committee for the purpose under the rules hereunder.
The affairs of the association shall be managed by a committee consisting of president, vice-president, general secretary, joint secretary, treasurer, and committee members including an internal auditor elected by the general body.
The managing committee shall have full rights in the efficient administration of the association. Every member of the committee shall have equal voting right.
President : - He shall preside over all meetings and conduct the proceedings and exercise general supervision over the affairs of the association.
Vice President: He shall assist the President in discharging his duties. In his absence, the vice president shalldischarge all duties and responsibilities of the President.
Secretary : He shall be responsible in calling the general body meeting, periodical and emergent meetings of the committee, preparing minutes etc, submission of various returns and reports to the registrar and other bodies under the act and be in overall charge of the office of the association.
Joint Secretary He shall assist the Secretary in discharging his duties. In his absence, the vice president shall discharge all duties and responsibilities of the Secretary
Treasurer : - He shall be responsible for all monetary transaction, maintenance of financial books of accounts, getting the account audited and submission of relevant reports
Joint Treasurer He shall assist the Treasurer in discharging his duties. In the absence of the treasurer the joint treasurer shall discharge the duties of the treasurer.
The members of the managing committee shall hold office for 1 year. Present committee shall remain in office till 3/july/2011. Any vacancies arising in the committee shall be filled by next monthly meeting attended by 2/3rd members of the association.
Ex-Officio Members: - The past president and secretary shall be Ex-Officio Members in the incoming committee.
Procedure for calling the AGM:
Secretary shall issue a notice period of one month in advance for calling the AGM.